Category Archives: Web Design

Interesting information on the web design industry. New trends, tricks and techniques.

Bay Area web design Search

‘Bay Area web design’ Search ranked number one for “Bay Area Web Design” for over 9 years, then dropped to #2 for 9 months, then dropped to #10 after just a minor adjustment on 1/13/2011. The problem is, which minor adjustment did we make that hurt us m0st? Or was it a combination of our changes and or the competition changes, plus other changes like Google’s algorithm or inbound links removed? It’s a little complex!

Watch as KO tries to claw their way back to the top. We will succeed, but it might take a month or so. The difference from #1 and #3 in website generated calls is about 70%. The difference in phone calls from someone ranked number 1 and number 10 is about 8 to 1.

Bay Area Web design– Watch us go… still ranks very well under other important Bay Area web design search terms, like SEO, web design company, etc.
We don’t buy links, but we manage/host over 150 websites, so we are open to sharing links to industry related websites that make since.

Update- Fast forward 18 months. Panda and Penguin Google updates takes it’s toll and a new website and economy has effects too.

We climbed our way up to #2 for awhile and then dropped to #5 around Jan 2012. We launched a new website using the WordPress platform in late April and fell to #8 soon after. We made some SEO adjustments and are now we’re back to number 5 for “Bay Area Web Design.” Of course if your logged into Google, the search results for “Bay Area Web Design” are not the same. They’re better thanks to Google Plus (G+).

What motivated me to write this update was a warning in Webmaster tools that I had 3 pages (2 blogs and our home page) with the same page title. What? Rookie mistake! It’ll be interesting see what (if any) ranking changes come from this update. Stay tuned.

bay area web design

Save $ on your next website design

Your next website design; Save money!

Some companies have no idea what they need in a new website and that’s ok, but you should at least know who your company is and have some basic information together before you contact a web designer. What do I mean?

Here’s how to save money on your next web re-design or your first website…

  1. Know what web design you want- Look at other websites and know what you think might be nice for your website. Have these domains available for your web designer to look at and talk to you about. These don’t have to be companies like yours, just websites that you like.  If your not sure about the look, that’s OK. Just say so and we’ll/they’ll have a profession designer come up with some concepts.
  2. Next we’ll want to know about your online competition and off-line competition. Who are we trying to beat? Do you market already and or do you have someone else doing PPC and or SEO? It’s ok, but we MUST know this.
  3. Do you know who you are? One thing that can slow down the launch of a new website is information!
    Who are you? What makes your company great? Company history? Products you offer? Who is the person you are targeting the site to?.
  4. Got Logo and or Photos? We need those to make your new website great.

Having this information together will save you time and money on your next web design. If you tell a web designer that you have all this information together already, they will take this into consideration when giving you a quote for your next web project.

Bay Area web design news

MySpace says Sale of social marketing company is probable. MySpace is confirming with KO NEWS that their parent company News Corp. is looking for a way to unload its poor performing social media web property after unloading nearly half of its staff this week.

Need another reason to explain to your boss why you must be on Face Book all day? Facebook now has AMBER Alerts! Yes, that’s right. The social networking web site Facebook will now get AMBER Alerts if they want them. AMBER Alerts are the notifications of a child is abduction.

San Francisco News paper does not give up has inked a deal with Foursquare to offer ratings and other things? on the 4Sq. Visitors who login to Foursquare will get access to content from all the Eexaminer news products.

Social Gaming Will Generate $1 Billion This Year
Social gaming is poised to become a billion-dollar industry this year, according to new research from eMarketer. Approximately 62 million American internet user will play at least one game on a social network on a monthly basis in 2011. I should had gone into gaming rather than web marketing I guess 😉

My theory is…Coming soon will be gaming advertising. It’s sort of happening already at the cooperate level (Coke, etc), but wouldn’t it be cool to have your company buildboard on turn 9 at XYZ race track on the next hot driving game? Or a spray paint (Viral marketing) of your logo on a wall on the next big shootem-up game?

Participation in Real-Time Social Media Increased 20% in 2010

According to Trendstream, users are increasingly engaging in real-time social media conversations via social networking and media web sites like Facebook and Twitter.

New Bay Area web designs for Oct 2010

New Bay Area web designs

New redesign for Karbon Home Theaters at: This is just a small satellite website for a Bay Area Home Theater company by the name of Karbon Home theater. Their main site is undergoing some changes now and should be launched in two weeks, along with their new blog and SEO campaign. Continue reading