KO Websites Launches Another
Great WordPress Website this week
KO Websites welcomes aboard Save A Lot Solar, a Bay Area residential solar panel and solar system installer.
When Save a Lot Solar wanted to expand their San Francisco, Bay Area residential solar installation operation, they chose to market online. To start, they needed a new WordPress website along with a long list of other online marketing assets. They wanted a single company and point of contact that could meet all their Internet marketing needs. This marketing firm would be held accountable for all their internet marketing assets, including Google Adwords.
The best way to find a good Internet marketing company is to shop online of course. Knowing that search marketing was going to play a big roll in their marketing plans, they started their Google search with “bay area SEO company.” They noted that KO Websites had not just one, but two listing on top of page one. “Well if they can compete against their own competition like that, they should do great for our company,” thought Save A Lot.
After meeting with the team at KO Websites, Save A Lot Solar signed up for KO’s ‘All n1 Power Plan.’ The All n1 Power Plan is a proven all inclusive internet marketing package that KO developed two years ago for their existing clients, and then later started offering to new clients.
In addition to a new WordPress website, Save a lot Solar will soon have a new mobile website, strong organic SEO, managed Google Adwords and 15+ managed social media marketing accounts.
The Save A Lot Solar company is a California licensed and certified solar panel installer, serving the San Francisco Bay Area. If your looking for the best solar panel products and low cost solar installation, you can’t go wrong with Save A Lot Solar. Contact them today at 510-332-4971 or use their online contact form here.