Category Archives: KO News

News about KO Websites, new products, people and other tidbits.

KO Websites, Inc. Congratulates Pharma Choice Award Winner Patient Worthy™

Hands Coming Together To Form Social Online Community

Rare Disease Community Outreach Through Social Media Marketing

KO Websites, a San Francisco Bay Area based Web Design and Digital Marketing Agency, is thrilled to congratulate Patient Worthy™ for receiving the PM360 Pharma Choice Gold Award in the Digital – Consumer Website Category. In addition, Patient Worthy is one of three healthcare marketing brands featured on the cover of the magazine’s January 2016 issue.

“Watching Patient Worthy grow the number of disease states featured on their website and the level of social media engagement they’re at now is truly incredible,” said Ken O’Donnell, Founder and President of KO Websites. KO Websites was contracted to kickstart Patient Worthy’s online marketing campaign by executing their PPC, social media, SEO and website changes. In Dec, KO handed over the reins to Patient Worthy’s new in-house staff. O’Donnell continued, “We’re grateful that our digital marketing agency was able to partner with them right from the beginning of their endeavor and wish them nothing but the best as they continue to touch lives affected by rare diseases.”

About Patient Worthy™
Patient Worthy is an online publication that provides unceasing information to patients, caregivers and advocates of rare disease states. Patient Worthy delivers information, shares stories of those living with these disease states, and offers the latest news. Patient Worthy: Rare Patient News. Well Done™. For more information, please visit:

About KO Websites, Inc.
KO Websites specializes in all areas of online marketing. KO Websites supports small and medium size companies by producing and managing all aspects of their digital marketing needs, including promoting their company and brand, improving their inbound lead generation, and managing their PPC advertisement. For more information, please visit: or call us today at 510-276-9902.

Based in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area, KO Websites and its sister company, SEO Pro, serves clients across the United States in various industries.  Learn more about how we can help your company with your web design and social media marketing needs.

Digital Media Marketing Jobs Bay Area

JAN 2016
Job Title:
Digital Media Marketing Specialist (full time, in-house).

We are currently seeking a motivated social media specialist to join our digital marketing team!

Bay Area Digital Marketing Jobs San Francisco
About the company:

KO Websites, Inc. (through our sister brand provides full-service inbound, online digital marketing services for small and large businesses in the Bay Area. Our team is expanding and we are offering several key positions with upward growth opportunities. Please see and www.seopro.PRO for product details.

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KO Websites Discusses Careers With Youth in the Community


San Francisco Bay Area Web Design Company Offers its Advice

On October 27, 2015, KO Websites, Inc. was honored to explain the benefits of a career in Social Media and Website Design to a room full of high-school students at Ashland’s REACH center in conjunction with Soulciety. Nikki Mendez and Jack Williams, employees at KO Websites, were on hand to discuss education, experience, and soft skills needed for success.Future Social Media Marketers Continue reading

Three Common Mistakes Businesses Make With Their Websites

Thinking about a new website design? Don’t bother unless you follow these 3 key steps

San Francisco Website Design

Avoid these website mistakes!

With the importance of social media and the increasing use of mobile devices, businesses are heavily investing in website design improvements to keep up with their competition. Make sure you avoid these common mistakes:

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Is Your Website Designed for the Latest Google Ranking Algorithm?

Mobile-Friendly Web Design Will be Preferred in Google Search Results

Mobile Responsive Web Design Bay Area

How does your website look on your mobile device?

Effective April 21, 2015, whether or not your company’s website is mobile-friendly will affect your Google search ranking. The announcement by the most dominant search engine in the world challenges companies to take a hard look at their websites. If they don’t want to see a drop in Google search rankings, they’ll need (if not already) to upgrade their website to work well on mobile devices. To that extent, mobile-friendly web design will play an even larger role now in SEO. Continue reading

SSL Enhance SEO?

How SSL Increases Google Website Traffic

Bay Area SSL Website CompanyPigeon. Panda. Hummingbird. If these names sound familiar, it’s because they are all a part of Google’s rapid changes to their search engine ranking formula for listing websites. With the near constant Google Algorithm changes it can be a challenge to stay competitive in SEO. Continue reading

Three Common Mistakes Businesses Make with their Websites

Is your website making one of these online marketing mistakes?

With the importance of social media and the increasing use of mobile devices, businesses are heavily investing in website improvements to keep up with their competition. Make sure you avoid these common mistakes:

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SSL Enhance SEO?

How SSL Increases Google Website Traffic

Pigeon. Panda. Hummingbird. If these names sound familiar, it’s because they are all a part of Google’s rapid changes to their search engine ranking formula for listing websites. With the near constant Google Algorithm changes it can be a challenge to stay competitive in SEO.

But wait, there’s much more… Continue reading